theme: Specquackular
Once again I earned no awards. *sigh*
I did come THIS CLOSE to heat stroke, so I regret to announce
that this is the last time I'll participate
in the chalk art contest at Renton River Days. :(

theme: The Ducks Stop Here
Nine folks entered the professional artist category this year... and I didn't place at all. ( sigh )
Judging criteria are: use of color, originality, and theme. My entry, more colorful this year, took a very original slant of the theme but perhaps my sense of humor is too subtle. Or too wacky.
Once again I enjoyed many exclamations of "Wow!!" from onlookers,
and quite a few people took photos.
Attended PNWA writers conference the day of the contest.2014

theme: Shake, Waddle and Roll
Ten folks entered the professional artist category this year... and I didn't place at all. ( sigh )
I did enjoy many exclamations of "Wow!!" from onlookers,
which is a big pick-me-up.

theme: SpecQuackular
Honorable Mention in the Professional Artist category
(out of 9 entrants in the professional category)
I didn't plan it, didn't even notice it until I was looking later at photos, but the bottom line of the eye chart seems to read "awesome"!!!
My research into mallards from last year came in handy again. This one took two hours to do.
Out of my twelve entries thus far,
only four have filled the square with truly flat artwork.
The rest are attempts at 3D illusion, to one degree or another.

theme: Duck Into Fun
Honorable Mention in the Professional Artist category
Not bad, considering I competed madly for only the first hour of the three-hour contest then dashed off to catch a train...
The off-screen caption (oops) reads "Where's the Party?"

theme: The Magic Continues
I won First Place in Professional Artist category, decided by a panel of art judges,
People's Choice, as voted by spectators!
2010: The Frog Prince

theme: 25 Years of Magic in the Park
I won Honorable Mention in Professional Artist category, decided by a panel of art judges,
People's Choice, as voted by spectators!
family emergency at literally the last minute...
and while I was diverted, someone else appropriated my entry square... *sigh*

theme: Explore the Heart of Renton
I won First Place in Professional Artist category, decided by a panel of art judges,
Best in Show, as voted by spectators!
(hands crippled with carpal tunnel problems)

theme: Celebrate the Heart of Renton
I took 2nd place in Professional Artist category.
This is supposed to be a large ice cube, beginning to melt. It had been a blazing hot week, and still was sweltering at the time of the contest. Notice the theme mentions "heart," but in my caption the "R" has fallen out, and now it reads "heat."

theme: Discover the Heart of Renton
I took 2nd place in Professional Artist category.

theme: Hats Off to Renton
I took 2nd place in Professional Artist category.
(scheduling conflict: attended a writers conference instead)

theme: Meet Me at the Market
I took 2nd place in Professional Artist category.
This piece of artwork is an adaptation of a famous 17th century painting by Vermeer.
Originally shown working at lace on a cushion,
"The Lacemaker" had already been adopted by Renton's Sewing Machine Service Company
(fronting on Main St) in a huge and clever mural on the back of the building
showing the lacemaker at work on an old-fashioned sewing machine.
That mural has since been painted over with a different one.

theme: Renton's centennial
I took 1st place in Professional Artist category!

I took Best in Show!
I learned to be more careful in choosing my square,
plotting out where shadows would fall by the time the contest finished.
(out of town at time of contest)
(first year the festival included a chalk art contest)

I took 1st place!